Proper Nutrition for Prostatitis: Healthy and Dangerous Foods

Nutrition in prostatitis involves the consumption of zinc, which is necessary for the beneficial processes of all processes. Foods containing zinc can prevent the occurrence of impotence. This group includes: citrus fruits, potato tubers, tomatoes, seafood.You should remember what you should not eat if you have prostatitis: Smoky food, it is not recommended to eat any spicy food. You should reduce your intake of sweets and strong tea or coffee. Garlic and any type of onion should not be completely eliminated from the diet, but they should not be abused either.Almost half of the effective treatment for prostatitis depends on medications and prostate massage, as well as a man's general lifestyle: a healthy diet and exercise. It is important for men diagnosed with prostatitis to pay more attention to diet and exercise.
The truth is, some foods can damage all organs and systems of the body. However, the correct choice of products for prostatitis can activate all the hidden reserves and reserves of the body's power, thereby helping the male body quickly overcome prostate inflammation.
For prostatitis and prostate adenoma, doctors recommend adhering to a diet that includes only those foods that help relieve prostate irritation and inflammation and also help improve a man's overall health.

natural drinks

When the prostate is inflamed, the body needs vitamins, and natural drinks not only contain necessary vitamins, but also essential antioxidants and other beneficial substances. It strengthens the prostate, activates and normalizes its functions, and flushes the urethra while reducing overall inflammation.
Natural beverages include: juice, freshly squeezed juice, green tea, uzvar, preserves, etc.

fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain all the necessary complexes of vitamins and trace elements; these beneficial substances support the normal function of the prostate.Yes, Proper Nutrition for Prostatitis and Adenoma Promotes Fast Recovery!
Problems with the prostate and the entire male reproductive system are easier to solve against the background of a healthy diet, since diet and correctly chosen treatments can help the entire body cope more actively with the inflammatory processes in it.
  1. Foods harmful to the prostate - spicy spices. You should avoid black and red pepper, which can increase inflammation in your organs;
  2. It is important to avoid processed foods and salt, which can cause urinary stasis;
  3. It is necessary to change meals to separate meals and eat food at the same time;
  4. The menu should include foods rich in preservatives - onions, garlic, mustard seeds;
  5. The menu is adapted according to the pathological stage. During the remission period, you can deviate slightly from the routine; during the acute period, it is important to strictly abide by the diet;
  6. The amount of fat should be reduced to a minimum. Instead, eat green foods, vegetables and fruits, whole grain products, which retain all the amino acids, minerals and vitamins;
  7. Menus should include unsaturated, healthy fats – marine fish, olive and flaxseed oils;
  8. The carbohydrate part of the menu is represented by porridge and bread made from whole wheat flour. It’s best to bake your own bread without baking powder;
  9. It is best to avoid flour and sweets;
  10. It is best to choose protein foods from plant sources - legumes;
  11. Small amounts of low-fat dairy products are present in the diet. They are combined with cereals and fruits;
  12. As for sweets, it's best to avoid them, with the exception of honey if you're not allergic. You can also make desserts from natural products, such as candies with dried apricots, raisins, figs, plums;
  13. Fresh vegetables and fruits are best eaten without prior heat treatment to retain as much of the beneficial chemical components as possible. Other foods can only be boiled or steamed.
Even the most balanced diet and well-planned meals will not help if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle. First, we're talking about a fulfilling, active sex life. In this case, the prostate bears sufficient load and works normally.Product selection for treating prostatitisThe value of proper nutrition for prostate inflammation has been established; all that remains is an individual consultation with a nutritionist about the daily diet, dietary rules and their daily classification.In addition, it is important to carefully monitor your water balance, and to do this, drink a sufficient amount of fluids every day - at least 2 liters (monitor for the appearance of edema). This is not all that is recommended for patients with progressive prostatitis:
  1. Patients must be prohibited from consuming animal fats in their diet, as it deposits on blood vessel walls and disrupts systemic circulation.
  2. Antioxidants present in natural green plants help avoid the development of prostate adenomas and malignant tumors in men.
  3. Preservatives, pickles, smoked foods, spices and semi-finished products for the treatment of prostatitis are still strictly prohibited; they can have a negative impact on the function of the prostate.
  4. Breakfast in the morning should be nutritious and complete, and it is recommended to prepare a vegetable salad or cheese for dinner in the evening.
  5. It is recommended to replace fatty broths in the diet with lean meat or vegetable broths, especially during exacerbations of prostatitis in men.
  6. The food for men with prostatitis should be of high quality, as problematic semi-finished products can increase the number of prostatitis attacks.
  7. It is important to control concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of a therapeutic diet to minimize the risk of complications in the treatment of prostatitis.
If prostatitis is diagnosed in a man, he should be treated immediately. The first step for men with prostatitis is to choose a diet, the main goal of which is not to disrupt and restore blood flow throughout the body, strengthen weak immunity, and prolong the remission period. The disease is insidious, so it's important to understand the basic rules for proper daily nutrition:
  1. Liquids - pure mineral water, unsweetened jelly, preserves, medicinal decoctions, berry drinks, green tea. After getting up in the morning, you can drink a glass of water.
  2. Prostatitis diet - moderate portions, eat at the same time of the day, don't overeat or overdigest.
  3. Physical Activity – Encourage men to take long walks and brisk walks in the fresh air.
  4. Preparation methods - Food is best grilled, boiled, steamed, stewed, and simmered. For example, a perfectly healthy piece of boiled or steamed chicken breast.
  5. Duration – If a first episode occurs, a man’s prostate diet should be lifelong.
The first thing you need to do is stop drinking. The breakdown of aldehydes has a negative impact on the prostate, stimulating inflammation and complicating the course of the disease.Smoking also negatively affects the flow of blood through the veins, causing swelling.Circulatory lesions can adversely affect the condition of the prostate. Cholesterol, which is high in animal fats, can build up plaque in blood vessels.A diet for inflamed glands should be structured so that the changes are visible. It usually makes a difference for the better.
For prostatitis, nutrition should be balanced and segmented. There is no single dietary recommendation for treating prostate inflammation, but there are many nutritional and dietary recommendations.
Main principles of diet:
  • Eat frequently but in smaller portions;
  • normalization of drinking habits;
  • Prohibition of alcohol;
  • Minimize fat and fried foods;
  • Provides required amounts of vitamins and trace elements.
You should eat every 3-4 hours. Portions should be moderate but balanced. Although there are no strict restrictions, when arranging your diet, you should pay attention to healthy foods to prevent prostatitis, and try to reduce fat and fried foods, which will increase the burden on the stomach. The diet for men with prostatitis is based on the principle of healthy eating and limiting harmful foods. Dietary choices should take into account the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the body. All products that cause allergies or aggravate symptoms are prohibited. The menu is written individually for each patient, but there are general recommendations and principles for easing the course of the disease.Basic principles of diet:
  • Quit alcohol and smoking of any kind;
  • Exclude spices, preservatives, semi-finished products, spicy and salty foods from the diet;
  • Eat regularly, preferably at the same time;
  • Supplement your diet with exercise and walking;
  • Say no to fatty and smoked foods;
  • Eat green salads and herbs;
  • Add garlic, onions, and mustard to dishes;
  • Develop menus that take into account stages of deterioration;
  • Minimum heat treatment of fruits and vegetables;
  • Limit salt and sweets;
  • Constantly maintain your eating habits and avoid unhealthy foods.
This menu is compiled based on the list of allowed products. Limiting spicy vegetables, salt, spices, and seasonings will affect the taste of your dish, but you can diversify the flavors with your own handmade neutral sour cream, milk, and cream sauces.
The greatest restrictions occur in the acute phase of the disease (exacerbation of the chronic process), and in the remission phase the diet increases and does not cause any psychological discomfort.

Main goals of dieting

The appearance of the first signs of inflammation should be a sign that a man's diet needs a complete overhaul:
  • Reduces the risk of additional irritation to the glands from consuming harmful foods;
  • Eliminate a large portion of cholesterol-containing foods from your diet;
  • Do not consume large amounts of liquids or diuretic products;
  • Ensure gastrointestinal function by consuming fermented dairy products;
  • The menu includes products targeting the prostate, containing vitamins and minerals that increase the body's protective functions.
Nutrition for male prostatitis is not only a way to quickly get rid of the disease, but also a necessary measure to preserve reproductive function.The main goals of prostatitis nutrition are as follows:
  • Prevents the prostate from being irritated again and exacerbating the inflammatory process;
  • Ensures normal blood flow and delivers essential substances to the prostate, preventing atherosclerosis;
  • Reduce the need for frequent bathroom breaks during sleep;
  • Return the gastrointestinal tract to normal;
  • Strengthen the immune system.
Foods useful for prostate adenomaIf a man wants to take care of his health and avoid prostatitis, then it is worth eliminating from the diet such foods as spices, various sauces, fried and smoked foods, fatty meats, caffeinated drinks and sodas.You should also quit bad habits such as smoking and drinking.
Everything that’s good for your prostate is good for your entire body.
It is important to follow certain nutritional rules that every man concerned about his health should know. The organization of daily diet should follow the following principles:
  1. Initially, you need to stop consuming large amounts of salt. It retains water in the body, thereby helping the body eliminate harmful substances and toxins. In addition, sodium chloride reduces the anti-inflammatory properties of calcium, thus eliminating inflammatory foci;
  2. You need to schedule fasting days for yourself regularly. They help the body to rest, after which the body will have the strength to fight against the problems that are currently plaguing the person;
  3. Nutrition should be balanced. This means that the diet should include healthy foods that can fill the body with valuable trace elements and vitamins.
Prostatic fluid removes harmful elements from the gland that promote inflammatory processes, and its composition and quality depend on a man's diet.Vegetables and Herbs for ProstatitisConsideration is given to contraindications for prostatitis in men who do not allow alcohol consumption even during mild inflammatory processes.Don’t forget, only certified high-quality alcohol should be consumed. Other drinks of questionable origin may seriously worsen a patient's health. Additionally, this can have a negative impact on previously performed treatments.

Can I have coffee?

Some men are interested in whether they can eat schnitzel if they have prostatitis, while others are interested in whether they can drink coffee. Both products are strictly prohibited in therapeutic diets, since in prostatitis they complicate blood circulation, cause congestion in the urinary system and accumulate cholesterol in the blood vessels.
If a person cannot live without coffee, you can prepare a light drink and drink it not in the evening, but closer to lunch, but strictly limit the portion size.

Healthy Food

The diet of patients with chronic prostatitis does not differ significantly from basic norms of healthy nutrition. During an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, any food should be prepared only by steaming.Fried foods should be avoided completely. However, when the patient's condition is stable and the inflammation has not progressed, fried foods should be consumed in small amounts. Avoid foods harmful to prostatitisAcceptable foods: low-fat meat and fish, as well as cheese, cottage cheese, fermented dairy products. Additionally, eating nuts and seeds can also be beneficial.
Contraindications for male prostatitis occur only in the case of allergies to the above-mentioned foods. Therefore, you should know what is good for your prostate and what you can use in each specific situation.
The diet for chronic prostatitis includes grains, as well as vegetables and fruits. Complex carbohydrates maintain strength and energy throughout the day, which has a beneficial effect on recovery. You need to eat animal fats—an equally important part of your diet. As a result, metabolic processes in the body are normalized.Pink salmon for prostate adenoma treatmentStep by step recipe:
  1. Remove the pink salmon from the bones, wash and dry with a towel.
  2. Mix crackers, salt and butter. Chop the dill and add to the marinade.
  3. Grate the fish. Cut the lemon into rings and add to the top.
  4. Grease a baking sheet and add pink salmon.
  5. Set the oven to 180 degrees and leave the fish for a quarter of an hour.
Place on lettuce leaves before serving. Fish can be eaten hot or cold.You can also cook beef with rice. To prepare, you need:
  • Veal – 150 g;
  • Rice – 1 cup;
  • Carrots - appropriate amount;
  • Parsley – to taste;
  • Celery – to taste;
  • Parsnips - to taste;
  • Bay leaf – 1 piece;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. lake;
  • Salt – a small amount.
Step by step recipe:
  1. Place the meat in boiling water, bring to a boil and drain the broth. Return the meat to the pot and bring to a boil. Add vegetables and salt. Place the meat on the stove until cooked through.
  2. Wash the rice in cold water. Heat a frying pan and add oil. Fry the rice until the crust turns yellow, then turn down the heat.
  3. Pour 1. 5 cups of water and add salt. Cover the pot and let it sit until the rice is cooked.
Place the dish on a plate and add the chopped herbs.For dessert, you can cook apples and currants in the oven. To do this you will need:
  • Apple – 2 pieces. ;
  • Black currants, frozen or fresh – 1 cup;
  • Sugar and icing sugar - a small amount.
Step by step recipe:
  1. Wash the apples and cut into two parts. Carefully pull out the middle section.
  2. Add the sugar to the currants and stir.
  3. Add the raisins to the apples and place on a baking sheet.
  4. Set the oven to 200 degrees and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Remove and cool slightly. Add powder.
Eating according to the above principles can help speed relief and reduce pain and urinary tract disorders. Without a diet, recovery will be very difficult.

What should you not eat if you have prostatitis?

There are certain dietary restrictions for adenomas, and violation of these restrictions may cause recurrence of the underlying disease. In order to eat correctly, it is important to figure out in advance which foods should not be eaten and which food ingredients should remain permanently under strict medical prohibitions. The taboo foods in the prostatitis diet are detailed below:
  • Alcohol;
  • fatty meat dishes;
  • Starchy foods;
  • pickling and preserving;
  • baked goods and sweets;
  • Fast food, convenience food;
  • Cocoa and all its derivatives.
With chronic prostatitis, doctors advise men to change their diet: exclude from the menu those foods that aggravate the development of the disease.The menu options are roughly as follows:Breakfast (one choice):
  • Porridge (oatmeal, corn, barley), any fruit, a piece of low-fat hard cheese;
  • Vanilla omelette, berry jelly, fresh cucumber;
  • Cheese casserole, fresh fruit.
You can supplement your breakfast with green tea, mineral water or any herbal tea.Lunch (one option):
  • Low-fat fish soup, best paired with a second soup and fresh vegetable salad;
  • Brothless borscht, carrot salad, steamed fish;
  • Buckwheat porridge with seafood and boiled asparagus;
  • Light potato soup, stewed cabbage and a small piece of boiled lean meat;
  • Light broccoli soup, grilled fish with vegetables, fresh vegetable salad;
  • Vegetable salads, lean meat steamed pork chops, durum wheat pasta.
You can tailor your own diet for prostatitis and adenomas based on healthy foods for treating prostatitis and adenomas. The menu below is just an example.After understanding which foods are useful in treating prostatitis, everyone can develop a dietary habit and stick to it. Urologists say dietary nutrition for prostatitis is beneficial only if it becomes a lifestyle, a daily diet rather than a short-term restriction.
For breakfast, it is recommended to drink a bowl of oatmeal with water. Milk is not a helpful product for treating prostatitis because it is not absorbed well. It is recommended to drink dried fruit preserves (uzvar), a cup of yogurt or light green tea.
Offer any fruit as a snack between breakfast and lunch.Have lean chicken soup with green vegetables for lunch. You need to prepare a salad consisting of cabbage, carrots and cucumbers, seasoned with a spoon of olive oil and a drop of lemon juice. It is recommended to end the meal with grilled fish and berry preserves.Diet is a universal treatment with no contraindications. But we should not forget the need for a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to the treatment of prostatitis.
Products useful for male ailments have healing properties. They can also be used for preventive purposes. This way, you can prevent various diseases, including prostatitis. As soon as symptoms appear, consult your doctor, maintain good personal hygiene and eat right.


What foods are good for prostatitis?

For prostatitis, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, flax seeds), antioxidants (fruits, vegetables), zinc (nuts, seeds), vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi) and vitamin D (fish)Very useful. , Egg).

What foods should you avoid if you have prostatitis?

If you have prostatitis, you should avoid spicy and fatty foods, red meat, smoked foods, salty snacks, coffee, alcohol and foods rich in sugar.

Useful tips

Tip #1

Eat more vegetables and fruits as they contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help fight inflammation of the prostate.

Tip #2

Avoid fatty and fried foods and limit red meat as these can worsen prostate inflammation.

Tip #3

Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, nuts and flaxseed oil, as they may have anti-inflammatory effects.

Tip #4

Limit the intake of salt, sugar and processed foods as they can lead to worsening of the overall condition of the body and inflammation of the prostate.