Prostatitis and its modern treatments

According to statistics, at least 40% of men of reproductive age today suffer from inflammatory diseases of the genital area and are by no means happy owners. Because of certain subtleties of pathology, most patients only turn to specialists when the characteristic signs of the disease significantly complicate daily life.

see a doctor for prostatitis

Seeing a doctor promptly and starting treatment early will help get rid of prostatitis faster.

Only in the early stages of development, when there are few symptoms, can the disease be cured quickly, provided that minimal treatment is used. If the treatment is not timely, the complete treatment of prostatitis may take a long time, requiring the use of complex treatment methods. Modern methods include not only the use of drugs, but also other methods to eliminate unpleasant diseases.

General Rules and Regulations

Modern methods of treating prostatitis include not only drug therapy, but also physical therapy. In addition, patients also need to make some adjustments to diet and daily life. These measures are necessary not only to eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, but also to prevent its recurrence.

Depending on the stage, course, comorbidities, and some individual characteristics of the patient, specialists can employ conservative or surgical approaches.

  • The conservative approach involves using the most common methods to treat the disease in men. These can be medication, some physical therapy, adherence to a daily regimen and nutrition. Conservative approaches are permitted both in the early stages of disease development and in the treatment of its chronic and acute forms.
  • If the disease is in an advanced stage, when the diseased tissue of the prostate almost completely replaces the healthy tissue, and the gland is not functioning adequately, surgery is used. It involves surgical intervention by which the pathological tumor is removed and the function of the prostate is fully or partially restored. This approach is usually only used in extreme cases, when treatment with means such as medication and physical therapy has not brought significant results and there is no positive motivation.

medical treatement

Medication, as the name suggests, is the treatment of prostatitis as well as many other diseases of the male genital area by taking medication. Currently, there are many drugs that not only eliminate the inflammatory process, but also improve immunity, eliminate the negative effects of taking antibiotics, and fully restore productive functions.

The modern drugs most commonly used to treat inflammatory diseases in men are grouped into several major groups, each implying one effect or another on the body. E. g:

  • A feature of prostatitis is the following: The most common disease develops on the background of the presence of hyperemia in the pelvic region. They appear due to deterioration of blood and lymph flow, which is the result of a sedentary lifestyle, lack of regular intimacy, and more. For this reason, in the treatment of inflammatory diseases in men, drugs that restore blood circulation and eliminate causative phenomena are used.
  • Antibacterial drugs. If the disease is caused by a body infection, i. e. prostatitis has a bacterial pathogenesis, treatment for men consists of taking antibiotics designed to eliminate the pathogen and restore the body's microbiota profile.
  • Problems urinating in men, manifested as pain in the bladder area, also due to the spread of the inflammatory process, systemic spasms of the muscles of the excretory system, causing pain. To counteract this phenomenon, the use of modern medicines can effectively eliminate the spasms and relax the muscles, thereby relieving the discomfort.
  • If the development of prostatitis in men is the result of changes in the hormonal background, drugs are also used during treatment, the action of which is aimed at restoring and normalizing hormonal levels.
  • The characteristic symptoms of prostatitis are soreness, burning, and itching in the prostate area. To eliminate the negative signs of the disease in men, topical preparations that have a calming, healing and regenerating effect on the tissue are used.

prostate massage

Prostate massage can be attributed to modern treatments for prostatitis and many other inflammatory diseases. This is because for the direct physical effect on the prostate area, various devices and devices are also used, the action of which is based on the radiation of magnetic waves. Although, to be fair, it should be noted that prostate palpation is the most common.

Massage is one of the most effective ways to treat diseases of the productive system. It allows you to effectively eliminate stagnation, restore blood circulation and reduce inflammatory processes. In addition, only with the help of massage can the pus and secrets accumulated during the course of the disease be removed from the prostate.

However, the use of this method is not acceptable in the acute form of the disease.


Almost all methods of treating prostatitis by physical therapy are modern. In general medical practice, the following methods are most commonly used:

  • Laser therapy. The effect of laser radiation on the affected organs and tissues allows you to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce discomfort. In addition, there is a process of activating tissue regeneration, as well as restoring blood circulation.
  • Magnetic therapy. Currently, this treatment method is widely used. This procedure involves the effect of a magnetic field on the patient's tissues, thereby restoring blood and lymph flow, adsorbing active substances into the organs and tissues, which are included in the preparations prescribed for the patient to treat prostatitis, improve.
  • Microwave - therapy, the action of which is based on thermal exposure. This approach aids in the regeneration and recovery of tissue, can significantly reduce pain, and help the body better absorb the medications it is taking.

There are other physical therapy methods not used in modern medical practice. Therefore, their use can only be carried out according to the individual initiative of the patient. These include acupuncture, leech treatments, healing wrap treatments, herbal treatments.

Other methods

At present, almost every expert knows that eliminating the main symptoms of prostatitis and other genital inflammatory diseases will not bring obvious results if you do not adhere to measures such as daily diet and nutrition.

Since the disease often occurs against the background of characteristic stasis phenomena, for prevention and treatment it is necessary to eliminate this pathology and restore blood and lymph flow. To this end, patients should perform a series of physical exercises daily to strengthen blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs.

However, abusive loads, systemic physical overexertion, can have the opposite result, the negative phenomenon of triggering stagnation. Therefore, when choosing an exercise, it is necessary to consider the individual characteristics of the patient.